ATTENTION BEFORE YOU READ THE ABSTRACT OR CHAPTER ONE OF THE PROJECT TOPIC BELOW, PLEASE READ THE INFORMATION BELOW.THANK YOU! INFORMATION: YOU CAN GET THE COMPLETE PROJECT OF THE TOPIC BELOW. THE FULL PROJECT COSTS N5,000 ONLY. THE FULL INFORMATION ON HOW TO PAY AND GET THE COMPLETE PROJECT IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. OR YOU CAN CALL: 08068231953, 08168759420 WHATSAPP US ON 08137701720 THE ECONOMY IMPACT OF THE DEREGULATION OF THE TELECOMMUNICATION INDUSTRY IN NIGERIA ABSTRACT In this research work, we considered "The Economy impact of the deregulation of the Telecommunication Industry in Nigeria". Our major concentration was on the Nigeria market because Telecommunication is a very broad research topic. This project has helped us know that deregulating the Telecom sector has contributed immensely to the Nigeria Economy positively. In order to get this, we looked at...